Global Business Intelligence

Future Risk Management

We’re living in a world of intensifying global risks: extreme weather events, cyber-attacks, critical information infrastructure breakdowns, and more. Here we present crucial insights on preventing and minimising the impact of these risks.

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Risk and Reward

From digital disruption to environmental upheaval, the rapidly shifting risk management landscape demands board-level attention. Leaders who embrace the new landscape have much to gain.

As digital innovation becomes a top priority across industries, it is also generating a growing list of concerns for risk managers. Uncertainty is a fundamental part of risk management—and more than ever today, when technological advances, coupled with economic, environmental, political and social changes, continue to create new opportunities and challenges for the sector.

Once largely associated with insurance, compliance and loss avoidance, risk management is no longer a box-ticking exercise. Ownership is now a C-suite and board-level priority that requires cultivating a strong risk culture and integrating risk management into other business processes.


Grow sustainably with effective operational risk management


Fighting cyber fraud in a real-time world


Executable, realistic and sustainable risk appetite


Mindset Innovation: Improving Risk Measurement and Control

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Quantum-Enhanced Cyber Security

Quantum tech is bursting into our lives – How can businesses stay secure?

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The new reality: Cyber catastrophe in our hyper-connected economy

Costly compromise…